The Outcome:

With both my testimony and my supervisor, whom no longer works there and is a good mate, we were able to show that Netbus, and other Applications like it, can be used just as much for good as they can for bad. Among other things, this key statement here was really the punch line from Brent....

"At no time did I see it used for nefarious purpose – no files were remotely accessed or deleted, no passwords ‘stolen’ or recorded. The potential may have been there, but the intent was not. Netbus was not used covertly or its presence denied or covered up anymore than any other program we had. To say that it has no purpose other than negative is similar to saying that FDISK and FORMAT are commands only useful for data destruction, or that managewise is an espionage tool."

So after long days in court we are all done, but still don't have a verdict.

The evidence relating to me, given by my X-Manager, was a pack of lies and I shot it down the second I got to have my say about it. This has caused delays in the outcome of the case. The Respondent went first giving their evidence, and we went second. My manager was therefore discharged as a witness, but the Respondent's lawyer has insisted that she return to have her say against my allegations of her lies. This is not likely to happen but a phone conference between the lawyers and the Judge has been set for next week to discuss the options for resolving this dispute in evidence. It is possible there may yet be a third day in court.

Even the Judge believes any further evidence by either side wont help either side and his decision is already going to be in my favor but I just have to wait.

Will let you know what happens.



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